This is a real issue in the Four Corners area. Many models of car (both ICE and EV) are hard to get here. Furthermore, some individual models are not supported by the dealerships that are here (e.g., Nissan Leafs are not serviced by the Farmington Nissan dealer because that dealer chooses not to). One key benefit of an EV (lower maintenance) means fewer trips to dealers are needed. Of the top EV or PHEV models in Colorado, only four (Ford Lightning and Mach-E Mustang, RAV4 Prime; sometimes Chevy Bolt) have active sales inventory and/or service in our area. This is a significant disadvantage but does not seem to have stopped Four Corners buyers from scooping up electric Teslas, Rivians, Nissans, Chevys, and VWs.

BEVs rarely appear at local dealerships, but Kias, Fords, Toyota bZ4X, Chevy Blazers, and Subaru Solterras are available. PHEVs are more available in the Four Corners than are BEVs. Notable offerings include RAV4 Primes, Dodge Hornet, Jeep Wrangler.