Category: EV Care

Tips for extending EV range in winter

All cars lose range in winter, but for different reasons. Standard combustion (ICE) engines need to heat up before the engine works properly, but once they do they have plenty of waste heat to warm the occupants. ICE cars are sometimes hard to start, especially when it is very cold. …

Reminder to EV owners in the LPEA service area (La Plata and Archuleta Counties, Colorado)

On 1 July LPEA initiated a “demand charge” for residential electricity users. The point of the new charge is to “bend the curve” of electrical demand down at the time of day when high use is straining the capacity of the grid. EV owners are exceptionally well placed to assist …

Battery Best Practices

When I got my first EV (2017 Nissan Leaf), I gathered from various sources there were things you should do and things you should avoid to extend your car’s battery life. Batteries make up about 35% of the cost of an EV, so you want to make them last. However, …