Category: Ford Mustang Mach-E

A year ago, major media outlets were blaming consumers for a slump in US EV sales; did that actually happen?

Near the end of 2023, mainstream print media outlets (Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Washington Post) were conveying the storyline that US consumers were not buying EVs at the rate expected of them by the legacy producers, causing the manufacturers to delay or suspend their EV investments. For example, …

Tips for extending EV range in winter

All cars lose range in winter, but for different reasons. Standard combustion (ICE) engines need to heat up before the engine works properly, but once they do they have plenty of waste heat to warm the occupants. ICE cars are sometimes hard to start, especially when it is very cold. …


A One Year Review: Ford Mustang Mach E, AWD, ER, Living in the 4C!

Our first EV, a 2017 Nissan Leaf, taught us we loved driving an all electric car, but the Leaf’s range was too short (135 miles). Our second EV, a 2018 Chevy Bolt, confirmed long range road trips were possible, but we wanted a faster fast charging rate. With our third EV, the Mustang described in the title, we’ve found our best fit EV (short of an electric AWD pickup truck or true SUV). The short story – while it’s not the perfect car for us, it’s nice enough that we won’t mind waiting until the perfect EV SUV at the right price point comes to market.